Several months back, I mentioned a new IP and promised something related to it would be released by the end of this year. I was actually hoping to put out a pilot or demo of sorts, but that isn’t even close to happening. I did post a very limited teaser on Twitter last week.

The new IP is still in the very early stages of development. It doesn’t even have a codename past “newip”! I haven’t nailed down what medium newip will launch in. It will be a visual medium, it won’t be a game, I have a few shortlisted ideas and I haven’t settled on one yet. Only a few tidbits of plot, a handful of characters, and a smidgen of setting are worked out. The lore is still very vague.
That being said, it is definitely A Thing and there are some things firming up. I know what I want the world of newip to look and feel like. I’ve mostly figured out the tone, feel, and themes I’m going for. The storyline is full of blank spots but I have a rough idea of where I want to take it. The characters in the teaser will probably be in the final product, and the blurb more or less describes what the plot setup will be.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to talk about newip more over the course of the next year. I’m not optimistic about having a pilot or demo released next year either, especially with my focus on Ascension III, but there will definitely be something more concrete by that point. I’m excited for what newip will be and I’m excited to share it with the world.