As I’d expected, June was a messy month. I managed to get a little work done on CommonCore and some miscellaneous projects, but nothing really noteworthy. I started documenting CommonCore, finally, but that’s a long and ongoing project.
So Bad It’s Good Jam 2020 happened near the end of the month, and I spent a week putting in some serious effort (more than expected once again) building something really crazy. RiftBreak is presented as a first person shooter, but is actually three games in one plus a bunch of other content.

I’ve written a lengthy postmortem so I won’t go into too much detail here. Just check out the RiftBreak page linked above if you’re curious. It took fourth place, which I’m pretty happy with considering the number of entries (and quality entries!) this year. Huge shout out to Ned Reid (Znedd1) for organizing the jam and all the participants who made some wild stuff. I think it took me about a week to play through all the submissions!
This month I’m probably going to step away from this stuff a bit and take a break. I’ve said that before, and I’m rarely more than partially successful, but I don’t have any big plans or goals this month. After that I’ll probably get back to Ascension III as I feel I’ve kind of neglected it. Magical Girl Game Jam 2 is coming up, and I do have a few ideas for that, but I’m not sure if I’ll have time to participate so I’m not making any plans yet.
Of course these are some very strange times, so all this is subject to change.