Tag Archives: Release


posh-adventure is a game for bored sysadmins. You are Sir Nigel Fawlett, and you have an appointment for tea with Lord Trealey. Of course, it’s not as easy as simply walking from Point A to Point B. This is the first (or close to the first) RPG written in PowerShell. It includes leveling, combat, and… Read more »

Firefighter Simulator 2016 Now Released!

Firefighter Simulator 2016 is a very serious game that brings a realistic simulation of firefighting to PC using state-of-the-art technology to make the experience engrossing and impactful. Okay, that’s a complete and utter lie. Firefighter Simulator 2016 is an absurd parody of a game that really has very little to do with firefighters except for… Read more »


CyberShield is a retro, arcade-style 3D shooter that blends elements of classic arcade games, oldschool first-person-shooters, and tower defense games. You must defend a central tower against waves of attackers in a cyberspace setting. This is a game jam game, so there it’s fairly short and not entirely polished, but I think it turned out… Read more »


A small game for a club I participate in. Parrotgame (we’re not great with names) is a sidescroller where you are a messenger parrot that must deliver a critical message in wartime, literally dodging bullets along the way. It uses libGDX and I wrote most of the code. Check it out on itch.io or grab… Read more »

Ascension 2 is out now!

Ascension 2 has been a long time coming, and I’m very excited to finally release it to the world. It’s been quite the effort, and it’s changed quite a bit through the course of development. It’s not perfect and I’ll be the first to admit it, but I think it’s worth playing. It’s free, and… Read more »