Tag Archives: Release

At The Break Of Dawn Released

At The Break Of Dawn is my entry to Magical Girl Game Jam 4. It is a direct sequel to my MGGJ2 entry, In The Middle Of The Night. Magical girls Gina and Sakura return in a new adventure set a few months later, facing a deadly new threat. Gameplay is similar, but streamlined and… Read more »

Bang Ouch Infinite Released

The long-awaited (?!) sequel to Bang Ouch is now out! I’ve had a vague inkling of this for most of the year but I decided to finally throw it together for 7dfps 2020 and PROCJAM 2020. Bang Ouch Infinite is a first-person shooter with (nearly) infinite variation. It can be as silly or as profound… Read more »

CommonCore 2.0.0 Released

CommonCore is a framework/library for building games (and especially my usual brand of FPS/RPG games) on the Unity engine and has underpinned almost every game I’ve released in the past two years. It has now hit an important milestone: the first non-preview release! Let’s be honest, this year has been pretty bad for a lot… Read more »

In The Middle Of The Night Released

In The Middle Of The Night is my entry to Magical Girl Game Jam 2. It’s not a sequel to Shattered, but it is another genre mashup, combining magical girls with gun-and-magic first person shooter gameplay and visual novel style conversations. Gina was pretty much your basic, edgy, low-key geeky, slightly gothy teenager. Now she’s… Read more »

RiftBreak Released

RiftBreak is my entry this year to So Bad It’s Good Jam. This is the fourth year in a row I’ve done that jam, and this year was a huge success with over 70 entries, twice as much as any other year. RiftBreak took fourth place, which I’m quite proud of considering the number of… Read more »

Shattered – Why Not Me Released

Shattered – Why Not Me is a medieval fantasy magical girl visual novel action genre mashup thing created for Magical Girl Game Jam. It was previously known as Project Lucidity and you may have seen some of my Twitter posts on that. Get it now on itch.io! The daughter of a minor noble, Lady Briella… Read more »

Heavy Metal Slug Released

Heavy Metal Slug is a 2.5D fan remake of Metal Slug, created for the Old Games Remaster jam! I put this together in about a week, and it was an interesting experience outside of my usual faire. I managed to get about 80% of what I was shooting for implemented, though I really consider this… Read more »

Toilet Paper Panic Released

It’s that time of year again! Today’s release is a first-person shooter where you defend your hoard of toilet paper against a horde of thieves! Grab it now on itch.io. Everyone’s run out and bought all the toilet paper in a panic, and you’re sitting on the last supply in a thousand miles! Now everyone’s… Read more »